●メロンブックス限定の特典「島崎奈々@お仕事募集中 8巻」の描き下ろしアクリルフィギュア です。
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【キーワード】 イラストカード ポストカード イラストペーパー 色紙
●This item is a bonus exclusive to Melonbooks(メロンブックス) that comes with the purchase of a manga. ●Only the bonus is for sale. The book is not included.
●Those seeking mint condition items or who are very particular should refrain from bidding. ●No claims, no returns, please. ●The six-digit number mentioned in the title is for search purposes only. ●Please check the self-introduction when bidding.
【Keywords】 Illustration card Postcard Illustration paper Shikishi Note: This English translation is machine-generated. If there are discrepancies, the Japanese text prevails.
島崎奈々@お仕事募集中 8 (バンブーコミックス) あきばるいき